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What can you do to improve our mothers' lives?

Last week Mother's Heart was asked to help a young mother due in January. She had been considering giving her baby up as she has no support from the baby's father or her own family. As her due date drew near, she visited one of our partners who referred her to us to seek help from our social services to keep her baby.

At this late stage in her pregnancy, and living with less than $1/day, she was not prepared to bring her baby home. Her family disavowed her and she thought she would be homeless, not being able to afford to rent a room.

She doesn't know anyone who could give her shelter, food, or any of the baby items she would need to raise her child.

She doesn't want to abandon her baby but she cannot afford any clothes, bottles, cot, and doesn't have a roof over her head.

It doesn't need to come to this. You can help her bring her baby home. You can provide a roof over her head. You can gift her with a baby basket, with medical care, counselling, parenting classes, and family mediation.

Can there be a better gift than providing a Mum with what she needs to keep her baby?

She is one of 60 mothers that join our program every year. Their babies have already been born or are due in 2019, and only at Mother's Heart will they be provided with everything they need to bond with their babies.

The most powerful way you can help now is with a financial gift.

You can help us pay for life saving baby baskets, that include medical care and regular visits from our midwife, social workers, and counselors.

Money is what we need right now.

If each one of you who reads this post donates $10 we will be able to help this mum and others who have nowhere else to turn to. Please help now by donating: (UK and US) (tax-deductible donation in Australia, no matching funds available) Wing account: 012602384 (Cambodia)

Thank you.

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