One Day's Wages campaign update
We are now down to the last few weeks of our fundraising campaign in partnership with One Day's Wages and we'd like to give a quick update on our progress. We are 40% of the way to reaching our goal of $15,000, which will be matched by One Day's Wages dollar for dollar for a total grant of $30,000. These were from eight donors who come from different sides of the world. A massive thank you for your incredible support to Mother's Heart. Your donations ensure that we can continue helping vulnerable women and girls in crisis pregnancies in Battambang province.
You still have time to get your donations matched— but don't delay. Our fundraising campaign will end on the 18th of June. Give these women and young girls and their newborns a chance at life by providing them with quality health care, stable housing, nutritious food, vocational training, and job placements that will take them to the path of a better future. Will you help us reach our goal? Visit { Mother's Heart's campaign page } at One Day's Wages site for more information or to donate.
Thanks again to our generous donors. We are immensely grateful.