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Lucky baby

We would like to share some good stories with you to remind ourselves that it's not all bad in this world and that there are glimpses of hope and positivity everywhere.

So, today, we would like to thank all the people who took care of baby Samnang. He was born pre-maturely in June, just three days after his mother, Dara, had entered our Crisis Pregnancy Support program. His mother was very weak, severely malnourished, and, at seven and a half months in her pregnancy, we found out that she had not undergone a proper and complete antenatal care.

When he was born, Samnang was immediately placed in the ICU because his vital organs weren't functioning well. He spent the first 11 days of his life surrounded by beeping machines and apparatus attached to his frail body while his mother could not hold him yet. Watching from a distance, It was difficult for Dara to think about her baby spending the first days of his life like this. But, we are thanking God for His gift of miracles, and celebrating the angels on earth who helped our little Samnang pull through.

He is now out of danger and already at home with his mother. Both of them are doing well, and we are hopeful that with our continued support, Samnang will continue to reach his developmental milestones and his mother, Dara, will be on her way towards her own healing and stability.

We will post the full story of Samnang and his mother, so watch out for it.


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